Genesis 2:18,21-23
18And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
21And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.23And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”
God made the woman as a helper to the man and we must appreciate this fact and also acknowledge the great helpers our women have become to us.
Adam acknowledged this as soon as he saw Eve, he wasn't in any doubt as to why God brought Eve to him. He appreciated her and said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” This statement was borne out of deep revelation and appreciation for her role.
Most of us are married to very industrious women who are very benevolent in contributing to see that the family does not grind to halt even when the men are not making enough or anything to keep the home front going.
It will amaze you how hard these women work to cover up for the lapses of their husbands, they are called multi-taskers, always thinking of ways to make ends meet and cover up for their men and yet the men don't appreciate them.
They are the ones who lose sleep when the children are sick, they fall apart when the children's school fees fall short, they do any and everything to earn a living while keeping their dignity. They will do menial businesses that the men will consider inappropriate for them as men to do, the women will do all that to ensure that the family is not put to shame.
The men most times become insecure with such women because they see them as getting too strong and overbearing. You will hear the men say, that since she started providing, she is no longer respectful so the man refuses to appreciate her and makes her contributions and hard work of little importance.
Lets get it straight, it's not the woman's role to be the provider. She is a support for the man so it's okay for her to buckle under sometimes and exhale in distress because she was not originally configured for that role.
It is absolutely out of order to demand that the wife should not complain sometimes when the pressure is so hard on her, especially when the man is constantly making extra demands and not also meeting up with his responsibilities.
We must learn to say words like, 'Honey, i appreciate all you do to help make things work, i know the efforts you put in to take care of the children, help in paying school fees, putting fuel in my car, covering up for me in public, etc. I know its taking a huge toll on you and sometimes you buckle under pressure and say things you don't mean but i want to assure you it's ok to let it off at times and i want you to know i appreciate all you do and am making efforts to take these pressures from you so you can have a deserved break and find life a little bit more interesting and devoid of pressure"
It may not be said exactly as i have said it but you can say things that suit your situation or relationship. Our women love to be appreciated from time to time, they want their husbands to do well and that's every woman's ultimate desire, they are configured to assist and not to be in the lead position.
If you are married to a wife who makes suggestions as to how she thinks affairs would be run, 89% percent of the time she may be right. Please don't try to over play the male role by ignoring her and insisting on your ways because she is the woman. I know some may not be very courteous with the manner of raising suggestions, (sometimes when you look at the history of the relationships you will see that, that act that seems like its disrespectful, is as a result of frustration borne out of the husbands's insistence on ways that usually lead to failure) taking your wife's advice does not diminish you, she is your support and she means well. After all you are not in competition but in partnership.
I am married to a wife who is more than just a help mate, words can't describe how much her contributions support me all round and i never fail to let her know how i appreciate all she does and you know what? I get more support!
You too can get continuous support from your wife if you learn to say, "I appreciate all you do"